Kompetanseutviklingskurs for NSP 2

Et mentorprogram med teknisk, koreografisk og scenisk talentutvikling på svært høyt nivå. Kompetanseutviklingsprogrammet skal gi utøverne et så bredt grunnlag som mulig for å kunne skape en bærekraftig karriere som selvstendige dansekunstnere.

Skills enhancement programme: schedule week 3 & 4

Mon Jan 18 – Wed Jan 20
9-15 all days
Workshop w. Ingun Bjørnsgaard
Venue: Studio NSP, Hamang
9-10: Warm-up class w. Matias Rønningen
10-15: Workshop (30 min lunch break included)

Workshop in choreography and repertoire. Ingun Bjørnsgaard is one of Norways most remarkable choreographers, and has since 1992 created a number of critically acclaimed performances with her company, Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt. Company dancers Matias Rønningen (18-19 jan) and Katja Henriksen Schia (20 jan) will join in leading the workshop with Ingun.

Thur Jan 21
Showreel seminar – how to edit a showreel
Venue: Zoom
09:30-12:00: Session w/Fahil Anweri
12:00-12:30: Lunch break
12:30-16:00 Session with Maria Lloyd

Fri Jan 22
Communications seminar
Venue: Zoom
09:30-10:30 – Bærum Kulturhus – insight in the venues’ communications work w. Ådne Marlon
Gulbrandsen /communications advisor Bærum Kulturhus
10:30-15:00 – Workshop: Marketing principles, arts and the media landscape and strategic
communication in social media w. Hilde Crone Leinebø/ Creative Director, digital communication Kulturmeglerne

Mon Jan 25 – Wed Jan 27
9-15 all days
Workshop w. Jo Strømgren Kompani (JSK) / Guri Glans and Line Tørmoen
Venue: Studio NSP, Hamang
9-10: Studio available for individual warm-up
10-15: Workshop

Jo Strømgren Kompani was founded in 1998 and has become one of the most successful independent groups in Scandinavia. The company’s style is characterized by a peculiar mix of dance and theatre, with a distinct and often very physical humour combined with darker, political undertones. Read more about Artistic Director Jo Strømgren and Jo Strømgren Kompani
Line Tørmoen is educated from The National Academy of Ballet in Norway. She was engaged with Carte Blanche between 1993-2000 and has worked freelance since 2000 with Zero Visibility Corp, Kublai Khan Investigations, François Verret amongst others. In 2007 Line received Rolf Gammleng Prisen from Fund For Performing artists. From 2013 she is employed by DanseAlliansen in Norway.
Guri Glans is educated from Ecole Jaques Lecoq og Oslo Met. She has worked with JSK since 2005, as a performer in THE HOSPITAL, THE CONVENT and THE KITCHEN, and as General Manager and Project Manager. Guri is also involved as a performer and producer in Teater Joker and NIE-Theatre, and leads forstudium theatre course at Oslo Kulturskole.

Thurs Jan 28
Venue: Zoom
NSP 2 skills enhancement program finishing seminar
Full programme will be sent out week 2!
14-16 to work on you own showreel

Fri Jan 29
Venue: Zoom
Feedback session on showreels with Maria Lloyd
(The rest of the day off to allow for time later sessions with Kaja Sætre)

February and March
Preventive basic training programme
Venue: NIMI Ullevål

Kaja Sætre has worked as a physiotherapist at the KHiO Academy of Dance for 8 years, and has good competence on rehabilitation of dance related injuries. Kaja is also part of the Norwegian Athletics Team’s health team and works especially with prevention and rehabilitation of injuries related to running. She is passionate about injury prevention and has a special interest in mapping athletes to customize basic- and injury prevention training programmes.

Programmet er laget i samarbeid med Bærum Kulturhus.


Les mer om NSP 2 her.


Foto: Antero Hein


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