Welcome to ArtEx Digital conference and workshop!

19.11.2020 / Art is inextricably linked to seeking new expressions and breaking new ground. This also involves a risk, and the courage to put something at stake in art is therefore central. How does the artist handle having to risk something?

Program 4 December (Open for everyone in Talent Norges projects)

Eímear Noone is a Dublin based conductor and award- winning Irish composer, composing extensively for film and videogame. She is responsible for some of the most enduring soundscapes on World of Warcraft and other best-selling videogames. In February this year, she was the first ever female conductor to lead the orchestra at the Academy Awards (the Oscars). 

The Berlin based artist Philipp Geist works internationally with the media of video/light installation, photography and painting. Geist ́s projects are characterized by their complexity and the integration of the location, the sound and moving images. In his video mapping installations, he avoids using canvasses and turns diverse architectures into moving, painterly light sculptures, which challenge the onlookers’ perception of two- and three-dimensionality. 

Moderated and workshop by Kéa Ostovany 

For over 15 years, Kéa has been coaching thousands of talents and leaders in their fields (major artists, top business leaders, champion sportsmen, speakers for TED Talk). Partner at Implement Consulting Group, consultant and lecturer for a broad range of businesses, from multinational corporations to media, cultural and educational institutions, Kéa is expert in leadership, storytelling, change and emotional intelligence. She has also an extensive professional experience in the Arts fields (performing art, music, architecture, cinema.) 


  • 09.45 We open the Zoom: “wardrobe talk” 
  • 10.00 Welcome by Talent Norway 
  • 10. 05 Presentation of Eímear Noone by Kéa Ostovany 
  • 10:10 – 10:45 TALK 1 – Eímear Noone
  • 10:45 – 11:00 “Shaking ideas” session with Kéa Ostovany – part 1 
  • 11:00 – 11:30 Q/A Live talk with Eimaar Noone and the participants, moderated by Kéa Ostovany 
  • 11. 30 – 11. 45 Break 
  • 11. 45 – 11. 55 “Takeaways” session with Kéa Ostovany – part 1 
  • 11. 55 – 12.00 Presentation of Philipp Geist by Kéa Ostovany 
  • 12. 00– 12. 30 TALK 2 –Philipp Geist 
  • 12:30 – 12:45 “Shaking ideas” session with Kéa Ostovany – part 2 
  • 12:45 – 13:15 Q/A Live talk with Philipp Geist and the participants, moderated by Kéa Ostovany 
  • 13. 15–13. 45 “Takeaways” session with Kéa Ostovany – part 2

Register here before 30 November 2020

A zoom link will be sent to those who sign up. 

Program 5 December (Only for ArtEx talents)
  • 09.45 Garderobeprat 
  • 10.00– 11.30 «Samtale» moderert av Faglig Råd Hvor er deltagerne i livet og kunsten siden vi snakket sammen sist? Vi lytter til hverandre. 
  • 11.30– 11.45 Pause 
  • 11.45– 12.45 «Vouging workshop» med Cassandra Moldenhauer I denne workshopen vil Cassandra Moldenhauer gi et innblikk i vogue- og ballroomkulturens historie og struktur. 
  • De siste 30 minuttene danser vi oss gjennom noen av elementene i performance kategorien «vogue femme». Cassandra Moldenhauer har vært med på å bygge opp et vogue-miljø i Norge, og jobber ellers daglig med streetdance-kulturen som daglig leder for Flow Dance Academy Oslo og Soul Sessions Oslo. 
  • 12.45– 13.00 Pause 
  • 13.00–14.30 Oppsummering av programmet. Moderert av Even Lynne 

Deltagerne legger frem sine erfaringer med og synspunkter på ArtEx- programmet. 

Les mer om ArtEx her.

ArtEx Fagsamling: Kunsten å leve av kunsten

Talent Norge, Fabelaktiv, og Talent Innlandet inviterte til en åpen fagsamtale om økonomi og kulturarbeid.

ArtEx Fagsamling: Kunsten å leve av kunsten
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– Mentorskapet utvider definitivt horisonten min

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Møt ArtEx deltager Julian Juhlin

Som kunstner bruger jeg iscenesættelsesgreb, jeg har lært fra arbejdet med teater, til at skabe en slags teatralsk billedkunst.

Møt ArtEx deltager Julian Juhlin